Technology Use and Social Interaction in Bandung City a Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Social Media Use and Communication Patterns in the Community
Social Interaction, Bandung City, social media, Technology Use, Communication PatternsAbstract
With a particular emphasis on the connection between social media use and communication patterns, this study explores the dynamic interaction between technology use and social interaction in Bandung City. The study included 100 participants who were representative of several demographic aspects. A descriptive analysis revealed that social media involvement was highly prevalent, with Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp being the most widely used platforms. The community demonstrated a dual communication environment, combining digital means for social media, event planning, and news distribution with more traditional in-person contacts. The structural model analysis demonstrated a strong positive association between social media use and community participation as well as a considerable influence on communication preferences. The measurement model assessment validated the validity and reliability of the constructs. The results highlight the necessity for adaptable communication techniques that incorporate both conventional and digital media and provide useful insights for community development and policy formulation in Bandung City respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Loso Judijanto, Alim Hardiansyah, Emdat Suprayitno (Author)

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