Migration Patterns and Social Change in Kalimantan Region: A Quantitative Study of The Impact of Migration in Changing Social and Economic Structures
Migration Patterns, Social Change, Kalimantan Region, Quantitative Study, Impact of MigrationAbstract
The Kalimantan region, situated within the Indonesian part of Borneo Island, has a rich history intertwined with migration. Over the centuries, it has attracted diverse populations seeking livelihoods, cultural exchanges, and economic opportunities. However, recent decades have witnessed significant shifts in migration patterns driven by urbanization, industrialization, and environmental changes. This research explores the impact of migration on the social and economic structures of Kalimantan, employing a mixed-methods approach. Quantitative analysis reveals a positive association between migration and both social change and economic structure, indicating the potential benefits of migration for fostering diversity, cultural integration, and economic development. Nonetheless, context-specific policies are essential to address challenges such as infrastructure development and social cohesion. While this study provides valuable insights, further qualitative research is needed to comprehensively understand the complexities of migration in the region.
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