Application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technology in Environmental Research and Management: A Literature Review on Sustainability, Efficiency, and Innovation in Natural Resource Management
Internet of Things, Environmental Monitoring, Sustainability, Efficiency, InnovationAbstract
A new era in environmental research and natural resource management has been brought about by the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which offers revolutionary answers to urgent ecological problems. This study focuses on sustainability, efficiency, and creativity while conducting a thorough literature analysis to investigate IoT applications in these areas. To demonstrate the diverse effects of IoT, important issues such as sustainability practices, efficiency improvements, environmental monitoring, and technological advancements are investigated. This research offers important insights into how IoT helps with real-time data collecting, adaptive management, and the creation of sustainable practices by synthesizing many studies. The results guide future research endeavors by highlighting both the excellent outcomes and the issues and gaps that need to be addressed. The study's main findings are summarized in this abstract, which also provides a road map for comprehending how the Internet of Things could revolutionize environmental research and natural resource management in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Aisyah Qadri Saiful, Hanifah Nurul Muthmainah, Hotnida Nainggolan, Riska Dwi Handayani, Emdat Suprayitno (Author)

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