Credit Sales Accounting Information System
company, sales, credit sales accounting information systemAbstract
Companies in Indonesia always develop quickly following the existing industrial revolution. Companies sell to make a profit. Sales are divided into two ways, namely cash sales and credit sales. Cash sales are sales by paying all payment costs for the desired goods/services. Credit sales are sales by paying in installments for the cost of goods/services. Every company that makes sales must have a cash and credit sales accounting information system. The credit sales accounting information system is the process of initial credit sales through to outgoing goods and collection of receivables. The results obtained by the credit sales accounting information system are still not good. Judging from several functions that are not up to standard. The author's advice to companies is to implement functions in the credit sales accounting information system in accordance with applicable standards.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Atia Tillah, Yusri Hazmi, Nuraidah Bahri, Sarina Putri, Maela Fuadi Putri (Author)
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